Beyond the Present Podcast
The main themes of BTP are success, leadership, education, futurism, technology, and foreign language education. The podcast includes various editions such as the standard episodic edition, Let’s Talk edition, the Solo Round, the Polyglot Edition, and the Interview edition.

Thursday Nov 28, 2019
#100 - ADA 2: Balance, feminism, fashion and more
Thursday Nov 28, 2019
Thursday Nov 28, 2019
On our 100th episode we are here to answer a few handpicked questions by our listeners as part of the Ask Dan Anything edition. Join Pouya as he asks the top questions from Daniel regarding a variety of things ranging from personal to esoteric!

Wednesday Oct 30, 2019
#99 - Let's Talk: Living life on edge
Wednesday Oct 30, 2019
Wednesday Oct 30, 2019
We all know that we got to risk it to get the biscuit but why don’t we actually do it? In this program as part of the Let’s Talk edition of Beyond the Present podcast Daniel and Pouya discuss living life on edge vs playing it safe and articulate the importance of taking risks to achieve greatness in any facet of life. You will also be introduced to the concept of risk mitigation through the creation of options so that you are more willing to take bigger risks that can take your personal and professional life to the next level. Stop playing it safe and start listening to this program!

Saturday Oct 12, 2019
#98 - Solo 8: Do Not Reject Yourself!
Saturday Oct 12, 2019
Saturday Oct 12, 2019
Why do most problems remain unsolved? Why are most dreams not achieved? Why do a lot of us don’t get what we want? The answer will surprise you: because most people do not even make one attempt to achieve them as they are afraid of being rejected. In this solo round of Beyond the Present Podcast Daniel shares his personal motto of “no inner limits or outer borders” and discusses how we can live without any internal or imagined barriers and learn to never reject ourselves in attempting to get what we want. If you feel stuck, this short talk will hopefully make you unstuck!

Sunday Oct 06, 2019
#97 - "My Plurilingual Journey" with Kanwar Gill
Sunday Oct 06, 2019
Sunday Oct 06, 2019
Kanwar shares with us what being a Plurilingual means, how it has shaped his identity and in what ways it can help him become a better teacher. Enjoy!
Download Show Notes

Monday Sep 23, 2019
#96 - Let's Talk: Emotional Resilience
Monday Sep 23, 2019
Monday Sep 23, 2019
Your ability to effectively deal with the emotional ups and downs of life is not only essential to your happiness, it is actually a vital factor in achieving success since nothing reduces your overall motivation and hinders your progress more than having to constantly stop or slow down due to having gone through an emotional roller coaster. In this program as part of the Let’s Talk edition of Beyond the Present (BTP) podcast, Daniel and Pouya discuss emotional resilience in detail and offer key steps to take so as to boost one’s emotional resilience in tough situations.

Friday Sep 13, 2019
#95 - Solo 7: Confidence
Friday Sep 13, 2019
Friday Sep 13, 2019
Your self confidence is nothing more than your psychological immune system that protects you from negative emotions caused by facing with setbacks, failures, and rejections and by taking the right steps to boost your level of self confidence you can insure your emotional well-being irrespective of the situations that you find yourself in. The latest solo edition of Beyond the Present Podcast will help you distinguish situational confidence and fake confidence from authentic confidence and offers tips on how to build and boost true confidence.

Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
#94 - Let's Talk: Matrix of Life
Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
The Matrix is not merely one of the most renowned blockbusters of all times, it is also one of the deepest and most philosophical movies ever made to not only entertain the audience but to make them ask key questions about life, freedom, autonomy, and free will. In this program as part of the Let’s Talk edition of Beyond the Present (BTP) Podcast Daniel and Pouya discuss both the movie as well as the matrix of life that is kept hidden from the eyes of most of us. Understanding the matrix behind most social events can open up the gateway to the knowledge that very few possess and if you want to have access to this secret gateway then listen to this program to see how deep the rabbit hole goes!

Tuesday Aug 20, 2019
#93 - The Path to Success: Dreaming and going after it
Tuesday Aug 20, 2019
Tuesday Aug 20, 2019
Anyone who has ever changed the world did so by first coming up with a dream and then acting on it until the inner world of desires and ambitions gave their place to the outer world of reality for everyone to see and cherish. In this episode of Beyond the Present (BTP) podcast Daniel and Pouya join Olga and Ilya to discuss the importance of discovering our dream, coming up with a plan of action, and then getting busy working on realizing our dreams and achieving our goals!Life is too short to live without a dream and if you want to get started on the journey of goal setting and goal achieving then let this program show you how!
You can listen one of Olga's music here

Monday Aug 12, 2019
#92 - ADA #1
Monday Aug 12, 2019
Monday Aug 12, 2019
The BTP team is proud to present a new addition to Beyond the Present Podcast dedicated exclusively to responding to the questions asked by the listeners of our shows. Even though all the questions that we received were quite worthwhile we selected a hand few that we thought would offer useful insights not only to those who asked the questions but also to anyone listening to the podcast. Feel free to submit your questions for future ADA programs on our website or directly contact @pouyalj the producer of the show.

Saturday Jul 27, 2019
#91 - Let's Talk: Criticism
Saturday Jul 27, 2019
Saturday Jul 27, 2019
Criticism is an inevitable if not frequent part of our lives and the more ambitious our plans and ideas the more criticism we tend to receive, thus, knowing how to deal effectively with criticism is an essential skill on the path to prosperity.In this program as part of the Let’s Talk edition of Beyond the Present (BTP) Podcast, Daniel and Pouya sit down to discuss all things criticism and they go on to describe the four types of criticism and how we can deal with them effectively. Not knowing how to respond well to a criticism can threaten your relationships as well as your plans so give this short program a listen to insure the safety of both.

Friday Jul 19, 2019
Let's Talk: Turn your ideas to business
Friday Jul 19, 2019
Friday Jul 19, 2019
It is said that you randomly come up with four ideas per year during your daily commute each one of which could make you a millionaire, yet the vast majority of us fail to materialize our ideas and convert them into a business or practical means of serving others.In this program as part of the Let’s Talk edition of Beyond the Present (BTP) podcast, Daniel and Pouya share with you some ideas on how to bring your ideas into reality and overcome the inner obstacles that prevent you from doing so.

Sunday Jul 14, 2019
The missing piece: Social media, modern era and depression
Sunday Jul 14, 2019
Sunday Jul 14, 2019
Pouya sits down with Ali and Kanwar to talk about depression, mental health, social media, what it means to be depressed and how we can cope with it in today's world. Our guests will be sharing some personal insights into how they dealt with depression and/or anxiety and how they managed to overcome them.
In this episode we address some of the missing pieces of mental health as we come to see and understand them in our own lives.

Thank you for listening...
The main themes of BTP are success, leadership, education, futurism, technology, and foreign language education. The podcast includes various editions such as the standard episodic edition, Let’s Talk edition, the Solo Round, the Polyglot Edition, and the Interview edition.