Beyond the Present Podcast
The main themes of BTP are success, leadership, education, futurism, technology, and foreign language education. The podcast includes various editions such as the standard episodic edition, Let’s Talk edition, the Solo Round, the Polyglot Edition, and the Interview edition.

Tuesday Oct 02, 2018
Let's Talk: Food and eating habits
Tuesday Oct 02, 2018
Tuesday Oct 02, 2018
They say you are what you eat but how much do we really care about the food that we consume on a regular basis? In this program as a part of the Let’s Talk edition of Beyond the Present (BTP) Podcast Danny and Poujix discuss all things food from favorite cuisines and dressings to the pros and cons of eating out! There is no doubt that cooking at home will lead to healthier and more affordable meals so we will also discuss the whys and how’s of preparing your dishes at home. If you aren’t already hungry then you probably will be by the end of listening to this tasty program.

Saturday Sep 29, 2018
#22 - Open-mindedness
Saturday Sep 29, 2018
Saturday Sep 29, 2018
There is no doubt that most of us would prefer the company of an openminded person over someone who is assumed to be closed minded but does that mean that being openminded is always the best approach to thinking and decision making? In this episode of Beyond the Present Podcast Danny and Poujix join Shivank Goel to discuss the issue of open mindedness vs closed mindedness. What is open mindedness and how does it differ from closed mindedness? What are the pros and cons of each approach? Could closed mindedness be actually good in certain situations? How can we practice and develop the quality of open mindedness?These are but a few of the questions discussed in this episode of BTP podcast and if you are currently someone who lives or works with someone whom you think to be closed minded then this episode is right up your alley!

Monday Sep 24, 2018
Solo Round #1: If You Aren’t Getting Better You’re Getting Worse
Monday Sep 24, 2018
Monday Sep 24, 2018
One of the most crucial aspects of attaining the kind of success that is both sustainable and fulfilling is recognizing that if one is not getting better then one is getting worse! In the first Solo Round of Beyond the Present Podcast, a series of short podcasts designed to offer brief and applicable self-help tips, Danny talks about the success instinct and how it differs from the survival instinct!By committing to constant and never ending improvement, learning, growth, and expansion in all areas of life that are important to you, whether you feel like you need it or not, you put yourself on the side of high achievers who can not only attain success, but also keep it. This short program is designed to trigger this change within you right here, right now!

Saturday Sep 22, 2018
#21-Innovation, ultimate hope for humanity?
Saturday Sep 22, 2018
Saturday Sep 22, 2018
We all unanimously agree that creativity and innovation are what have allowed humanity to take itself from cave dwellers to spaceship developers; however, we often fail to recognize the difficulties one has to endure for being creative and coming up with innovative changes. In this episode of Beyond the Present Podcast Danny and Poujix join Ishaan to discuss creativity and innovation in the 21st century.What is creativity and how does it lead to innovation? What are the difficulties of being creative? Could one be stigmatized for being too different and innovative? What are the best ways to boost our creativity?These are but a few of the questions discussed in this episode of BTP podcast and if you want to find some tips on how to think outside of the box to come up with original ideas then this program is right for you!

Tuesday Sep 18, 2018
Let's Talk: Overthinking
Tuesday Sep 18, 2018
Tuesday Sep 18, 2018
One of the most seemingly insurmountable obstacles on the way to happiness is the trap of overthinking a.k.a paralysis by analysis! When thinking leads to overthinking action is no longer taken which further sends the person down the vicious spiral of negativity and self-doubt and the antidote to this pessimistic fall is a combination of courage and confidence backed up by action orientation. In this program as a part of the Let’s Talk edition of Beyond the Present podcast, Danny and Poujix discuss the trap of overthinking and offer the optimal solutions on how to effectively deal with this negative habit and how to acquire the self esteem necessary to think a bit less and to take a lot more action. If you have been struggling with the angst caused by overthinking and would like to get practical advice on how to overcome this negative habit then you will find quite a few great answers in this program.

Saturday Sep 15, 2018
#20- Artificial Intelligence
Saturday Sep 15, 2018
Saturday Sep 15, 2018
Artificial Intelligence was a term coined in the 20th century as a means of referring to giving computers the ability to autonomously make decisions for simple tasks; however, the rapid development in the field of AI has led to the creation of machines that will transform our very lives in the not so distant future. In the 20th episode of Beyond the Present Podcast Danny and Poujix join Marvin to discuss the issue of Artificial Intelligence and how it is going to transform the way we will live and work. What is AI and what is capable of doing? Can AI become a new species superior to humanity? How will AI take away our jobs in the coming years and decades? Who is to blame if your self driving car kills a pedestrian? How does it feel like to hear a robot with advanced AI to utter phrases like “I love you” or “please do not shut me down”? These are but a few of the questions answered in this high tech episode of BTP and if you are even remotely into futurism or technology then this episode is a must for you!

Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
Let's Talk: Flow
Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
When the book Flow was first published decades ago most readers were surprised by two things: how life transforming the content of the book is, and how impossible to pronounce the name of the author Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi! In this Let’s Talk edition of Beyond the Present Podcast Danny and Poujix offer an thorough summary for the book Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, arguably the best book ever written regarding the scientific approach towards achieving happiness and living with meaning.It is said everything that we do is for the sake of acquiring higher levels of happiness, yet we live in a world where people are only promised happiness in exchange for consumerism or dogmatism without ever getting to experience actual happiness which is why the book Flow is one of the most transformative books you will ever read and to get a glimpse of what is inside of this publication you are recommended to listen to this program.

Saturday Sep 08, 2018
#19-People & Personalities
Saturday Sep 08, 2018
Saturday Sep 08, 2018
Have you ever had one of those moments when you were not quite sure who you were and what your inherent talents, strengths, and weaknesses were? If so then don’t worry because discovering our personalities has always been one of our biggest concerns as a species and in this episode of Beyond the Present podcast Danny and Poujix join Floriana an expert in the fields of psychology, psychiatry, and neuroscience to discuss the issue of personality.What are the common methods of measuring one’s personality? Do such methods accurately represent one’s emotional makeup? Is personality fixed or can it be changed? How can we develop certain aspects of our personality and get rid of some of the negative ones?The aforementioned are but a very small number of questions and themes addressed in this episode of BTP podcast and since we all do have a personality then we all could benefit from a deeper understanding of what guides our emotional inclinations and this episode is designed to do just that so don’t miss it out!

Tuesday Sep 04, 2018
Let's Talk: Learning
Tuesday Sep 04, 2018
Tuesday Sep 04, 2018
The hallmark of all exceptional individuals is that they have learned a lot of different skills and abilities which allow them to get results in life; however, the biggest of all challenges is learning how to learn! In this program as part of the Let’s Talk edition of Beyond the Present (BTP) podcast Danny and Poujix discuss the various aspects of effective learning by not only categorizing people into three distinct groups of learners (visual, auditory, and kinesthetic) but also providing unique tips for learning in different situations.This program is meant for the ambitious individuals out there who understand that in order to earn more they have to learn more and that the ability to boost one’s efficacy in learning is indeed the best of all investments, you will surely enjoy this program and learn a lot from it!

Friday Aug 31, 2018
#18-How to connect with people on the first meeting
Friday Aug 31, 2018
Friday Aug 31, 2018
Regardless of what profession or background you come from, networking and meeting new people is an essential part of everyone’s life and in this episode of Beyond the Present podcast Danny and Poujix join Ishaan to discuss the magic of making a good first impression!Why is meeting and networking so essential? What are the best ways to meet new people? How does making a good first impression differ on dates from doing so in professional networking? Do first impressions last or can we later correct an otherwise poor first impression?These are but a few of the questions discussed in this episode of BTP podcast. Making a good first impression when meeting others for the first time will have a far more significant impact on your social success than any other perceivable factor and if you want to know more about the art of making friends and influencing people then this episode is right for you!

Tuesday Aug 28, 2018
Let's Talk: The Art of Not Giving a ****
Tuesday Aug 28, 2018
Tuesday Aug 28, 2018
When it comes to the notion of happiness there are many different and often contradictory approaches but ultimately all of them could be categorized in two major groups: acquiring happiness by changing our perception of reality vs acquiring happiness by changing the circumstances that lead to a better life experience!In this program as a part of the Let’s Talk edition of Beyond the Present Podcast Danny and Poujix discuss the book The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life by Mark Manson that seems to offer a unique solution to attaining happiness that cannot be fully placed in either of the aforementioned categories. As one of the best selling titles of this year this book has dramatically affected the perspectives of its readers worldwide and regardless of how happy or unhappy you may be at the present moment, grasping the major points offered in this book can indeed lead to experiencing a higher level of contentment in your life.

Saturday Aug 25, 2018
#17-Back to School
Saturday Aug 25, 2018
Saturday Aug 25, 2018
Some think of going to college as a step in life taken at the dawn of adulthood as a means of preparing one for entering the work force and once it is finished then the book of university is closed as one enters the real life with its endless responsibilities! But what if this step could be taken in reverse? Or taken multiple times?In the 17th episode of Beyond the Present Podcast Danny and Poujix join Kenny to discuss all the reasons why someone might consider going back to school after having been out in the real world for years.What are the best reasons why someone might consider going back to college? What are the benefits that universities offer beside academic education? Which types of people should consider enrolling in a university course after having been in the work force for a while? These are but a few of the questions discussed in this episode of BTP podcast. The undergraduate and graduate students all around the world are preparing themselves for the new academic year and if you are one of the aforementioned students or someone who has been considering going back to school for a while then this episode is definitely for you!

Thank you for listening...
The main themes of BTP are success, leadership, education, futurism, technology, and foreign language education. The podcast includes various editions such as the standard episodic edition, Let’s Talk edition, the Solo Round, the Polyglot Edition, and the Interview edition.