Beyond the Present Podcast
The main themes of BTP are success, leadership, education, futurism, technology, and foreign language education. The podcast includes various editions such as the standard episodic edition, Let’s Talk edition, the Solo Round, the Polyglot Edition, and the Interview edition.

Tuesday Nov 13, 2018
From Burning Man to Humanity's Rim: A Conversation with Lars Nolden
Tuesday Nov 13, 2018
Tuesday Nov 13, 2018
From health, lifestyle to burning man, challenges of today and tomorrow, Poujix sits down with Lars to discuss range of topics.
Role of selective lifestyle and health conscious living, burning man - this event in the heart of Nevada, climate change, cyber security and terraforming planets are among the topics.
Lars is a developer, technologist, futurist with a passion to advance humanity for the better. As a relentless reader Lars is always looking for books on the shelves of bookstores to read all the while championing the experimental world ...

Saturday Nov 10, 2018
#28 - Anti-Vaxxers
Saturday Nov 10, 2018
Saturday Nov 10, 2018
We all know of the benefits and prevalence of vaccination but what if you were told that there are people who think of vaccination to be a propaganda designed to harm the world population and have formed a union that opposes vaccination! You probably think such a thing is impossible but you will be surprised to know that Anti-vaxxer is now officially a term coined to refer to such individuals who harbor such beliefs! In this episode of Beyond the Present Podcast Danny and Poujix join Emmy to discus the Anti-vaxxer phenomenon and what the people who endorse it have in common. Is vaccination harmful? What message are anti-vexxers trying to convey by opposing vaccination? What do anti-vexxers, intolerant cults, and vegans have in common?! These are but a small portion of issues addressed in this episode of BTP and if you are interested in understating human irrationality then this episode is definitely for you.

Tuesday Nov 06, 2018
Let's Talk: WWIII?!
Tuesday Nov 06, 2018
Tuesday Nov 06, 2018
A mere search on the internet regarding World War 3 brings about millions of articles and news headlines which could make the most optimistic among us believe that another World War is coming but is that truly the case? In this program as a part of the Let’s Talk edition of Beyond the Present Podcast Danny and Poujix discuss the recent changes in modern geopolitics and whether or not the threat of a Third World War is real. They go in depth regarding the current relationship between the United States, Russia, China and the nations in the Middle East and how the current upheavals might affect the lives of the people around the world. If you are concerned about another World War breaking out then the chances are you watch a lot of news so do yourself a favor and turn off the TV so as to instead give this program a listen!

Saturday Nov 03, 2018
#27-Deal with uncertain situation
Saturday Nov 03, 2018
Saturday Nov 03, 2018
No matter how much we appreciate stability in our lives there will be times when we have to inevitably face with chaotic situations that might afflict our personal and professional lives, hence, not knowing how to deal with the periodic storms in life can leave us unprepared to make the right calls.
In this episode of Beyond the Present Podcast Danny and Poujix join Govind to discuss the ways in which we can deal with uncertain and chaotic moments that test our strength of character. What are the best ways to deal with chaotic situations? How could chaos or uncertainty actually be a good thing? How can we recover after having gone through tough and trying times? These are but a few of the questions that the BTP crew will answer in this episode and whoever you might be, you are either in a crisis right now, have survived through a crisis, or are about to enter one which is why this program is good meant for all!

Tuesday Oct 30, 2018
Let's Talk: The Art of Giving Compliments
Tuesday Oct 30, 2018
Tuesday Oct 30, 2018
They say children cry for it and adults die for it, that is right, approval is something that humanity as a species is designed to value and nothing expresses approval more than giving others a sincere compliment! In this program as part of the Let’s Talk edition of Beyond the Present Podcast Danny and Poujix dive deep in the art and science of compliment to help the audience grasp this sensitive social issue.What is the art of compliment and how does it differ from the science of compliment? What are the evolutionary reasons behind approval seeking among humans? How can we give relevant compliments to others so that it is well received? These are but a few of the questions answered in the latest program as part of the Let’s Talk edition of BTP and you are recommended to give this program a listen if you really want to learn how to make friends and influence people!

Saturday Oct 27, 2018
#26 - AI Medicine
Saturday Oct 27, 2018
Saturday Oct 27, 2018
The rapidly developing science of AI has already affected all industrial fields but how will AI affect the way we seek medical treatment? In the 26th episode of Beyond the Present Podcast Danny and Poujix join Ali to discuss the future of medicine and how it will be affected by the field of Artificial Intelligence. How could AI affect the livelihood of medical professionals? Could AI be integrated with medicine the same way autopilot technology is intertwined with the field of aviation? Would you accept being operated by a robot or by a human? These are but a small portion of issues addressed in this episode of BTP podcast and whether you are into technology, medicine, or futurism this episode has something to offer you!

Tuesday Oct 23, 2018
Solo Round #2: Failing Your Way to Success
Tuesday Oct 23, 2018
Tuesday Oct 23, 2018
Ever since you were a child you were told by your parental and authority figures to avoid making mistakes but did you know that this mindset stays with us as adults and is the number one reason why many of us don’t achieve our full potential in life?!In NLP it is said that there is no such thing as a failure, only feedback, and in the second solo round of Beyond the Present Podcast Danny briefly discusses the importance of changing our attitude towards failure and instead embracing them as necessary learning experiences that will pave the way to success and prosperity in the long term.If you want to accelerate the progress made towards your goals then double your failure rate but before that give this short program a listen!

Saturday Oct 20, 2018
#25-Climate Change
Saturday Oct 20, 2018
Saturday Oct 20, 2018
The issue of climate change has been discussed in the media for years yet the action taken to control global warming has proven utterly insufficient! In this episode of Beyond the Present podcast Danny and Poujix join Marvin to talk about the reality behind climate change, the severity of damage already done to the climate, and the gravity of repercussions if we don’t take any action to turn things around.What is climate change and what has caused it in the first place? Is there any hope to control climate change? What are the best solutions to protect our planet and reduce global emission? These are but a few of the questions answered in this episode of Beyond the Present Podcast and if you care even remotely about the future of our planet then this episode is definitely for you!

Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
Let’s Talk: Letter to Your Younger Self
Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
One of the most important emotional components of each person’s life is his or her personal history made of all the things that happened in the past as well as the lessons learned along the way, but what would happen if you could somehow contact your younger self? What would you tell your younger self?In the next program as a part of the Let’s Talk edition of Beyond the Present podcast Danny and Poujix discuss how the opportunity to send a letter to one’s younger self might change the decisions that we make on the this amazing journey called life and they also mention what they would have told their younger selves had they found the chance to do so!This program is designed to get you to think about your past so that you can make better decision in the future!

Friday Oct 12, 2018
#24-How to deal with criticism
Friday Oct 12, 2018
Friday Oct 12, 2018
We all have experienced being criticized from time to time but not all of us had the same reaction to the criticisms we received! In this episode of Beyond the Present (BTP) podcast Danny and Poujix join Ishaan to discuss both criticizing and being criticized.What is criticism and how could it be constructive or destructive? How should we respond to criticism in both general and personal situations? What are the best ways to criticize those closest to us? Could criticism be beneficial when it comes to experiencing growth and change?These are but a few of the questions discussed and answered in this episode of BTP podcast and if you just go criticized or are about to criticize someone then listen to this episode right now before you do anything else!

Monday Oct 08, 2018
Let's Talk: Hard Work VS Smart Work
Monday Oct 08, 2018
Monday Oct 08, 2018
When it comes to the ideal approach towards working there exist two major groups, one in favor of focusing on working smart i.e. finding ways to boost efficiency in your work so that you can achieve the same results by making less effort and working fewer hours, while the other is the group of hustlers who consider grinding and putting in long hours to be the key to career success. In this program as a part of the Let’s Talk edition of Beyond the Present Podcast Danny and Poujix dive deep into both notions and discuss why a balanced approach that combines both hard and smart work is actually the best approach.Whether you are an entrepreneur who works 16 hours a day or a trader who works 16 hours a week this program will give you the edge that you need to bring your work life to a healthy, productive, and sustainable balance!

Saturday Oct 06, 2018
#23-Meat, Diet and Vegeterianism
Saturday Oct 06, 2018
Saturday Oct 06, 2018
As vegetarianism and veganism find more and more fans around the globe and the modern culture embraces such lifestyles the rest of us might wonder how the two approaches might seem different than the typical omnivorous manner of eating that most of us are used to. In this episode of Beyond the Present Podcast Danny and Poujix join Emmy, a veterinarian turned vegetarian, to discuss this issue from both sides of the isle. What is vegetarianism and who is a vegetarian? How does vegetarianism affect one’s health and how do vegetarians get the nutrition they need? Are vegans mere cultists? How does meat production harm the environment? The aforementioned are but a few of the questions discussed in this episode of BTP podcast and if you want to know more about the life of vegetarians or would even like to consider becoming one yourself then this program is right for you!

Thank you for listening...
The main themes of BTP are success, leadership, education, futurism, technology, and foreign language education. The podcast includes various editions such as the standard episodic edition, Let’s Talk edition, the Solo Round, the Polyglot Edition, and the Interview edition.