Beyond the Present Podcast
The main themes of BTP are success, leadership, education, futurism, technology, and foreign language education. The podcast includes various editions such as the standard episodic edition, Let’s Talk edition, the Solo Round, the Polyglot Edition, and the Interview edition.
Tuesday May 28, 2019
Solo 6 - Social Circle Mastery
Tuesday May 28, 2019
Tuesday May 28, 2019
Your social circle will set the boundary as to what you can and cannot do and what outcomes you will obtain in your life. Following a question asked by one of the avid listeners of Beyond the Present Podcast, Daniel delves deep into the issue of social circle management and how to end friendships and relationships that no longer serve a purpose and instead making them with like minded men and women who are on the same path in life as you. Either your friend, contact, or partner is growing with you or is stopping your growth which is why you want to do what Brian Tracy recommends and “never make useless acquaintances!”. In this solo round you will learn exactly how to implement this strategy in your own social circle.
Monday May 20, 2019
Let's Talk: True Friendship
Monday May 20, 2019
Monday May 20, 2019
It is said that you are the sum of the five people you spend the most time with and in this program as part of the Let’s Talk edition of Beyond the Present (BTP) Podcast, Daniel and Pouya discuss the issue of friendship and shed light on what it means to have true friends! True friendship is founded upon a win-win dynamic among two sides with mutual interest and in this program you will learn why thinking win-win can pave the way for acquiring true success and happiness in life!
Saturday May 11, 2019
From inference engines to probability models : The story of machine cognition
Saturday May 11, 2019
Saturday May 11, 2019
Govind Mohan is a Mathematician, Philosopher and an entrepreneur . Deep Prasad is a Physicist, Philosopher and an entrepreneur.More information about them can be found in the show-notes.
In the 20th century, we reached a synergistic pinnacle in mathematics, computing and the sciences that allowed us to abstract a very fundamental human task -- learning. One of the major contributing factors to this was David Hilbert's undertaking to create a foundation for mathematics. This subsequently allowed for the development of inference/deduction engines that were able to automatically prove theorems (since there was now a rigorous definition for a proof).
Following this, our focus was shifted towards the study of probability, which allowed us to use uncertainty to model events. However, there is no widely accepted unification of these methods. What would such a unification look like? How can we teach computers to make clear, explainable inferences that make use of probability? Is there more to human cognition than this combined process?
Sunday May 05, 2019
#39-Resistance to medicine and the rise of the alternatives
Sunday May 05, 2019
Sunday May 05, 2019
Throughout the history many changes and revolutions in the field of medicine have led to the creation of new approaches to the subject and many patients have benefited from various types of therapies and healing; however, modern medicine has stood against the former approaches and labeled them unscientific, but is the scientific community right about this? In this episode of Beyond the Present Podcast Daniel and Pouya join Emilija to discuss the shortcomings of modern medicine and criticize alternative medicine for those who might opt for the latter.
Medical error is one of the causes of death in the United States as well as the rest of the world and if you are concerned whether you should trust your doctor or not then you owe it to yourself to listen to this episode!
Sunday Apr 28, 2019
Anniversary Edition
Sunday Apr 28, 2019
Sunday Apr 28, 2019
One year ago this time, the idea behind a podcast centered on the notions of futurism and success sparked in the minds of the cofounders of a program that was later dubbed Beyond the Present Podcast. Ever since the podcast has undergone changes and development so as to offer its listeners not only quality information but also motivation and the spirit of self education. In this anniversary edition of BTP podcast, Daniel and Pouya discuss what has occurred in their lives since the beginning of the show and offer interesting insights on what they have learned over the course of the year that went by. They also share some insights about the future plans that they have for the podcast. This anniversary edition is jam packed with information and you are recommended to listen to it if you have been enjoying our shows over the past 12 months.
Saturday Apr 13, 2019
Solo 5 - Stop the Blame Game!
Saturday Apr 13, 2019
Saturday Apr 13, 2019
One of the most common reactions upon facing with difficulties or experiencing hardships is to start looking for people or things to blame so as to make ourselves feel good, alas, this strategy leads to short term gain for long term pain! In this program as part of the Solo Edition of Beyond the Present (BTP) Podcast Daniel will share with you why the top performers in any field refuse to blame anyone or anything for their problems and instead take responsibility for what they have and what they want to achieve in the future. This program will help you stop the blame game once and for all and if you want to become the master of your destiny then give this short program a listen.
Tuesday Apr 02, 2019
Let's Talk: Risk
Tuesday Apr 02, 2019
Tuesday Apr 02, 2019
Helen Keller so aptly once said “your life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all” and she did so to demonstrate the importance of risk taking in life.
In this program as part of the Let’s Talk edition of Beyond the Present Podcast Daniel and Pouya discuss the issue of taking risks in all areas of life from business and entrepreneurship to relationships and hobbies. The biggest risk you can ever take is to not take any risk and to avoid making that mistake you are recommended to listen to this program.
Thursday Mar 28, 2019
Let's Talk: Mono Vs Poly in Relationships
Thursday Mar 28, 2019
Thursday Mar 28, 2019
One of hottest debates with respect to relationships is concerned with the issues of monogamy, polygamy, and polyamory which affect the lifestyle of both men and women in their relationship with the opposite gender. In this controversial program as part of the Let’s Talk edition of Beyond the Present Podcast Daniel and Pouya not only define all three approaches to romantic relationships but also share their own experiences with the aforementioned. There are no universal solutions when it comes to romance and love and in this program you will find out the reason why.
Thursday Mar 14, 2019
Let's Talk: Motivation, Self Discipline and the Path to Success
Thursday Mar 14, 2019
Thursday Mar 14, 2019
It is said that the quality of discipline is the chain that links motivation and success together and in this program as part of the Let’s Talk edition of Beyond the Present (BTP) Daniel and Pouya discuss the aforementioned elements. They offer solutions regarding sustainable motivation that lasts long after the initial motivation caused by the novelty has dissipated and mention how choosing the right goals based on your inherent talents will lead to a natural state of discipline and persistence in the face of obstacles and setbacks. If you want a key chain made of motivation, discipline, and success then this program is right up your alley!
Wednesday Feb 27, 2019
Polyglot Edition Episode 3: Expanding Your Vocabulary
Wednesday Feb 27, 2019
Wednesday Feb 27, 2019
The more words you know in a foreign language the better you can understand others and express yourself in that language. However, not all words are created equal and certain words are of higher importance for language learners than others. In this Polyglot edition of Beyond the Present (BTP) podcast, Daniel talks about the importance of constantly expanding your vocabulary in your target language using the 80/20 rule and offers a few tips on how to do just that. If you are a language learner then this program is a must for you.
Thursday Feb 21, 2019
#38-Food Waste
Thursday Feb 21, 2019
Thursday Feb 21, 2019
How much of the food and groceries that you purchase on a regular basis is being wasted? This question dominates the majority of the conversations that take place as Daniel and Pouya join Jaya, an expert in the field of agriculture and food production, to discuss the issue of food waste. What is food waste and how preventable a problem is it? What are the consequences of letting fruits, vegetables, and other food products get wasted? What measures can be taken to reduce food waste? What role does technology play in this issue with things such as lab made meat? The aforementioned are but a small portion of what is addressed in this episode of Beyond the Present (BTP) Podcast and if you are someone who cares about the environment or happen to be a food lover then this program is right up your alley.
Thursday Feb 14, 2019
Let's Talk: Human Rights!
Thursday Feb 14, 2019
Thursday Feb 14, 2019
The issue of human rights has been used by governments around the world to find out how well one nation’s leadership measures against others but the same nations who claim to be support human rights ultimately undermine the rights of their citizens. Sweden reduces the rights of men in favor of feminism, France attacks and suppresses its own citizens who are protesting against the government, the US government taps the phones of its citizens, Middle East, well let’s not even talk about the Middle East!In this controversial program as part of the Let’s Talk edition of Beyond the Present Podcast Daniel and Pouya take a critical approach towards the issue of human rights and even go as far as proposing the privatization and promotion of human rights with the help of non-profit as well as for profit organizations around the world given the fact that most governments have only managed to promise human rights without delivering on it. This program will make you rethink the concept of human rights!
Thank you for listening...
The main themes of BTP are success, leadership, education, futurism, technology, and foreign language education. The podcast includes various editions such as the standard episodic edition, Let’s Talk edition, the Solo Round, the Polyglot Edition, and the Interview edition.