leisure activities, leisure, people, life, activities, day, languages, pandemic, work, subtitles, fun, body, run, goals, enjoy, talking, reason, occasionally, burnout, recreation
Pouya LJ, Dan
Pouya LJ 00:09
Hello, ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to yet another episode of beyond the present podcast. Let's talk addition as always joined with Daniel Morgan. How's it going, dan?
Dan 00:19
Hey, man, buddy. Glad to be here with one and only Cujo likes to discuss a lot of great topics. So life is great. And fortunately, gradually the borders are getting reopen. Of course, again, I was very disheartened a couple days ago when I heard the news that Bali which was supposed to open its borders to all tourists around the world, on September 11, actually canceled the entire plan. And they mentioned that they will open you know, for tourists only in early 2021. And as you probably know, if Bali was going to open the borders, probably many other countries would follow because that's like a place for tourists. So people don't really have to wear masks winter on volume and let's say islands and that you're having some fun over there. So that was a sign Perhaps the world is ready to get back to normal. But the very fact that the government of Bali somehow did not agree with this and they postpone the plan to 2021 implies that we still have to wait for the vaccine, basically. And I also read an article by Bill Gates that mentioned if 30 to 60% of population in the US get the vaccine, the pandemic is essentially over. So we'll see how it goes. And so there are some good news, generally, although there was one disheartening, basically piece of news that I heard earlier from wh o world health organization that said, even a vaccine might not end the pandemic, but then again, I'm guessing that's more like politics, because as you probably are aware, Donald Trump announced that the US will no longer funds w h o from next year so I'm guessing that they will you should feel like they're left behind that Oh, by the way, you will never have a really from the virus if you want us to just start you know, refund this so maybe we'll find a way. I don't know. Perhaps it seems like you know, dirty politics because I don't think the world Right now needs bad news from especially who to tell them that even a vaccine will not end the pandemic, because that's from my point of view is very counterintuitive, because it is proven proven that it can actually end if a certain, you know, minority population actually do get vaccinated. So overall, things are fine. And we are hoping to hopefully see how things will change. I'm literally preparing all of my plans. Now, we are just waiting for the pandemic to be over. And as soon as you know, hopefully, life gets back to normal in 2021. I'm plan to actually initiate a lot of our projects in Europe. So I focused a lot in China and Russia in the past four years. So most of our focus for the next four to five years will be in the European Union. So France, Germany, Sweden, and a few countries like that. We're going to focus on these countries for a while. So we are preparing our plans, basically so that we can actually initiate a full fledged European campaign from next year. We'll see things things are really fine and we're doing our best to stay afloat.
Pouya LJ 03:00
That's, that's amazing. So you're on the slightly more. We call it optimistic camp regarding this whole pandemic situation
Dan 03:09
I have to be if you're an entrepreneur, as you already had this assertion earlier, if you're an entrepreneur, you have to be an optimist.
Pouya LJ 03:14
Fair enough. No, that makes sense. That makes sense. All right. I hope you're right. We're all really free, by the way.
Dan 03:21
perspective, are you on the pessimistic spectrum?
Pouya LJ 03:23
No, I'm not on the pessimistic spectrum. But I'm a little bit. I'm a little bit on the you know, I'm just I'm just, I'm just, I'm just concerned, mostly that the optimistic scenario might not know Yeah,
yeah, of course. Of course. Yeah.
Pouya LJ 03:38
So I mean, it will be what it will be and we have to cope with it. Of course. I hope you're right. And I tend to be generally speaking, optimistic, but about this particular one, I'm more concerned and optimistic. Anyways,
Dan 03:52
because the US now as you probably know, it's devastated by the virus and the sheer mismanagement and the idiocy of Trump but how things ended Canada. So have you guys managed to actually contain the virus? Are things better there than it is? I'm sure it is better, of course, but how to which degree actually, is it?
Pouya LJ 04:08
Yeah. No, I think it's great. I mean, at least in the Ontario in Toronto, the things are actually pretty good, relatively speaking. cases are, have been less than 100 and the whole province for the past few days, and it's spiked slightly over 100. Yesterday believe. But generally speaking, it's just running around 100 cases every day in the entire province that Toronto isn't, which is,
Dan 04:35
which is funny that Canada is basically nicknamed as Canada because of all the Chinese who are now in Canada, despite the fact that this hadn't, you know, let's say origin in China. And there are so many there. I think there are a lot more Chinese in Canada in the US, I'm guessing. And despite all that, still, we are seeing, you know, how well the Kenyan government managed this crisis so much better than the US so definitely good for the Kenyan president. And shame on Trump.
Pouya LJ 05:01
Yeah. And well, I mean, and the reopening has been done gradually but very, very successfully. So, Toronto has been pretty open for the past. By open I mean, like with with physical distancing, of course, but you can go out you can go to restaurants and whatnot. And still it no no huge spikes in numbers or whatever. So, yeah, that's, that's, that's good for them. For sure. Yeah. Anyhow, so that's not the topic today, but we had to catch up a little bit. So the topic today is, how to choose your leisure activities. What should your leisure activities be, depending on who you are, when what your goals are, etc. Now, so let's start with let's start with talking about what do you do for leisure on an on a day to day basis? I know I know, you don't have so much time for leisure. But anyhow, you do have some Well,
Dan 05:56
you said something very nice. You don't have so much time for leisure because that's As you probably know, we've already started earlier in front of our programs, you know, and beyond the present podcast. And the fact of the matter is that if you wants to, from my point of view have a very inspiring lifestyle, you probably wants to look at life a little bit differently than a nine to five for work. And then the rest of the time is for me for leisure. You see, unfortunately, we live in a world where it is quite normal to consider your work as something separate from your actual life. So that work is like that toil that you have to do to enjoy the rest of your day. So you go in or let's say you go to work nine to five, five days a week, in order to be able to enjoy the rest of your life, which is the other eight hours or 10 hours per day. And from my point of view, that's probably the worst formula you could ever come up with to live a life and it's definitely a recipe for disaster because if you want to live your life in a way that you live for, basically your leisure time, then you know, Gary Vee says your if you're living for the weekend, then your shit is broken. And he's right. Because if you're living A life where you have to suffer through work and suffer through your studies or your you know, professional routines in order to be late, enjoy the time that you're not working or you're not studying or you're not, you know, perhaps advancing your career, then there's gonna be a problem here. And that's, you know, the willpower. I mean, you can use your willpower to keep pushing and working harder and to use discipline to just say, you know what, that's just work, I got to get it done to feed my family, you could definitely do these things. But the problem is that willpower never lasts. At some point, you will run out of willpower, and then you become depressed like what the hell is wrong with my life? And that we call Of course, This usually happens for most people around the ages of 35 to 40 becomes like a, you know, a midlife crisis, which almost everybody goes through, except for entrepreneurs because their lives have been so much filled with crises. They don't even understand what a midlife crisis looks like as much for your question beforehand. But the fact of the matter is that if you really want to make the most of your life, you need to somehow find a way to eradicate that, you know, clear border between work and life. And then trying to mix them a little bit. So given that I have aspired to this belief, I would like to do the exact same thing. And then I will, I would like to involve my hobbies and my, let's say leisure activities into my work and make it perhaps, you know, capitalize on it and try to actually use it as a means of serving other people. So for that reason, probably the only times where I am not necessarily working or doing things that will perhaps lead to, let's say, my, let's say, professional success is probably maybe like, I don't know, it's very hard to find things, perhaps occasionally, some, let's say going out to nature occasionally to just rest for a while. But for the most part, I really believe that if you find the right recreational activities, they are in a sense part of like your investment portfolio because you're investing in yourself in your body in its well being. I mean, if you drive a car, for example, I think most will put more energy into taking care of their cars by going through the maintenance No changing the tires, the oil and all that stuff than they do actually with their own bodies. So, because of this I see recreation as a means of taking care of that organism, that machine that gets you through the, you know, the hustles and bustles of the daily life. And if you want to make the most of your, basically life and career, you have to you better have a body and a mind that is fresh, ready, and basically up for action. So, for that reason, I value recreation very much I value to you know, being rejuvenate yourself very much. However, how do I do this, there are many ways to go about it. So if you perhaps are tired of work, you can go right now and I don't know start doing online gambling, online poker, I don't know you can hang out with your friends, you can do pot, you can get drunk, you can hang out with your friends and I don't know play FIFA for hours. There are many ways to quote unquote, basically lit up some steam, but most of such activities will in the end leave you empty because you haven't done anything useful. And more importantly, in some of these cases, you actually have harm your body Especially with the case of drug abuse, alcohol, basically, consumption and access and so on. So for that reason, I believe that we can and should probably find a way to incorporate or choose certain leisure activities that are in alignment with our main goals and directions in life. So for example, if your goal in life is to be a successful business owner, perhaps you might choose social activities that allow you to network and meet other people. So instead of perhaps spending your time playing Dota at home, and being able to network with the little org that is playing on the other side, perhaps you should, I don't know decide to go to a book club or to a test seminar or some other social activities like a fundraiser or a charity organization or a charity event in order to meet people and expand your network. So here let's say you're on a let's say, you're now in a charity event, I don't know for to help the perhaps the those who are now in orphan orphanages basically right. So in this case, you are feeling good, you're socializing, you're having a good time you're chatting, you're alive. thing with kids, with people with parents. But at the same time, you're actually networking and meeting new people. So even though you are recreating in the background, you're actually expanding your network, which is an essential element for all entrepreneurs to know more people and be known by more people who like them and whom basically are liked by you. So because of this, the best one is a clear example. For me personally, as you probably know, I'm a polyglot. And I have been told that I speak a crazy amount of basically languages. And the answer is very simple because for me, language learning, which is nothing more than a pure passion, and basically, leisure activity is now a regular part of my daily life where I tend to, you know, go on, sometimes occasionally practice up to three, four languages per day, and then switch to either the next day. So by doing these things, even though I'm having fun, and I'm resting, I'm not working, I'm not doing business. I'm not trying to plan the next year or start, you know, talking things with my team. I'm simply sitting chilling and you know, perhaps doing some, you know, drills and Japanese or let's say I don't know in Hungarian, and I'm practicing these things just for fun. But that in a sense will then is in alignment, my ultimate goal, which is international business, and international education of languages for, you know, students from all over the world. So I'm having fun, but at the same time, I'm actually doing things that will be good for my career. So the same thing could be done for anybody. I mean, doesn't matter what you do, maybe you are an artist, maybe you are, perhaps more like a technical type. So perhaps if you are a computer programmer, maybe you want to try some digital activities online, but if you're not in the IT sector, perhaps playing Dota as your hobby will not be the best idea, right? So for that reason, I'm a fan of choosing leisure activities that are in alignment with your ultimate goals and values in life. That way, you will have fun and you also slowly but surely get closer to your goals because we need recreation. We can't just toilet the office from morning to night for 10 days and not you know see anything going go wrong because in that case, we will burn out and that will occur ironically Much worse because in the long term, in the long run in the long term, we will lose a lot more by demanding too much from our time and body. And we will simply stress burnout. And boom, it's kind of like the story of that, basically turtles and the hair. So that fast air just starts running and then gets tired of sleeping. Well, this little guy who's going slowly wins the race. It's kind of like that. So those who really want to go, I'd like to say, I don't want fun. I don't want leisure. Just work, work, work, work work. Bill Gates said that he never took a single day off and his 30s and I'm now 27 I want to kill myself. I'm 30. I don't know. So this is like the story, right? So yeah, you could try to do that. But then you will miss out on the long term, because you will then experience burnout. And then after a while, you get depressed and you wonder like, what's the point of it all? I mean, so what's the point of running your own business anyways? I need a gun. I better get a gun and then boom, something happens right. So because of this, I believe that you should think long term and to think long term means you should take care. You should look at yourself as a human being Not a robot, not a machine, but a human being who needs sufficient rest, sufficient physical activities you need especially we are social creatures, we need a lot of socializing, to feel happy and well. So going out with friends, trying to you know, have a you know, picnic outside or going for a barbecue with your basically colleagues, these type of social activities, especially when they are, you know, with people that you like, will substantially improve your overall well being. So I believe it is very important to put time aside for leisure and for hobbies. Again, that's not a common suggestion these days, because now we are in an extreme culture of work, work work all the time. But I think that's perhaps not the best approach to go about it.
Pouya LJ 14:42
Well, yeah, I mean, I couldn't, couldn't agree more, especially when you were talking about the burnout part. And you know, in the long run, you're absolutely right. There's no way in the long run with that kind of mentality and you know, habit. You'll get the most efficient output from yourself. It's impossible. And I agree with you and that's why I also practice the same thing. I, as much as I like, what I do, generally speaking, I still need some, you know, even even for the sake of stopping repetition, I have to just do something else even if I love what I'm doing, even if you if I, I love pizza, okay, no secret. If I eat pizza every single day, I'm gonna hating pizza. Right? So even even for the sake of change, I have to I have to do something else. Even if I love what I do, which I do,
Dan 15:35
for you should probably run a franchisee of Domino's Pizza.
That's a great idea for your future. I mean, that that could be on the agenda. Who knows? Right?
Pouya LJ 15:47
No, but but I taught so back to what we were talking about. Yeah, I completely agree and to give some extra examples for myself. I love reading and I adopt that as a leisure time activity. Whilst it helps me learn something, and he can help me Yeah, move forward in the world, which is, which is which is definitely a useful leisure activity in my favorite most
Dan 16:09
favorite leisure activity all is like reading books while eating pizza. That's like the ultimate
Pouya LJ 16:16
must be has to me. Alright, okay, so all right, that was a that was a good, good, good introduction to the whole thing. I mean, it was more of an introduction, but who's counting? Anyways? So, yes, leisure activities. We gave some examples we talked about we talked about how they can be catered and and adjusted towards our goals. While we're enjoying them while we're experiencing some change from day to day life. Now, I know you you you go to the gym, do you count that as a leisure activity?
Dan 16:51
Well, again, these are all typically leisure activities. I told you, I'm not somebody who's just working in the office all the time. People sometimes think about that. And then that like Yeah, Daniel is always working or studying. That's not true. I basically, that's like, for me personally, you know, exercising on a regular basis is just a necessity. So, I basically when I wake up in the morning, the first thing I do is I grab my gears and I start running, you know, near my house, I don't go to the gym, you know, first morning because the body's not ready for that. So I basically when I wake up, the first thing I do is I grab my running shoes, and I go for a job for about 10 to 20 minutes. And then after the shower, I will, you know, begin the whole day everything, let's say working on social media, answering my emails, messages, all that stuff. So for me that's like the starters kind of like people's, you know, for people who are lazy, they use coffee. For me my coffee is running in the morning because it's not as easy as coffee, but it's definitely healthier and far more effective. And of course, I usually go to the gym somewhere after working hours. So usually, after I finished my basically work, basically my company, usually I tend to go to the gym, about let's say, three or four times Depending on the local time, of course and the country as well as how far because in some countries, for example, the the gym is very close to my house, so I'm just not so I have to adjust that as well by the time but around three or four, maximum five. Usually, I even hit the gym to recharge my batteries for the rest of the day, which oftentimes involves seminars, workshops, or simply group gatherings. So I want to have a lot of energy throughout the day. So I basically recharge the batteries once after I wake up with a jog. And then after about 567 hours of work, I go to the gym to recharge again, the batteries, if you will to have full peak energy throughout the entire day. And I do not consider that as work because it's definitely not work. And I do not simply work. I don't answer phone calls. I don't answer emails. I don't accept meetings or any type of work during that time. And I never cancel it for any amount of work project doesn't matter if it's going to be a $2 million project. If it's going to be I don't know for example, a session with one of my students it doesn't really matter. Now my sports as well as my fitness will never be at the mercy of any work. So I will cancel my meetings or my sessions, but I will not cancel my you know, training sessions. And that's not because of leisure because it is fun. I mean, it's definitely leisure because I often do it with like very positive energetic music in different languages. And, but what I really do is it's it's going to allow me and enables me to work hard throughout the day. So even though it is leisure, technically, it actually contributes much more to my career than probably even working does because just imagine you're talking to someone in business and in sales. And you guys like Hi, my name is Tommy and I'm super freakin tired. Would you please, please man up time, you're having a good day, sir. But in reality, you're energetic. If you're charged, if you're you know, full of energy, you will do a much better job. So for me that's both a leisure activity as well as investment in my career because it allows the body to run well. As you mentioned yourself. I'm a huge fan of reading books, especially audiobooks because I'm a multitasker, I tend to commute a lot, especially I fly a lot because of my work. So as you probably know, flying is a very time consuming activity, you have to be at the airport three hours before the flight, of course the most, because I tend to be a little bit like later than that, but, and then there's perhaps gonna be some delays occasionally, and then you arrive there and there's gonna be a jet lag. So any flight, you know, especially if it's not, if it's intercontinental, like if it's between different continents, so you probably have to put aside 12 hours to 15 hours easily. And if it's like in the same continent, so it's gonna, you know, take about four or five, seven, sometimes eight hours of your time. So that's a lot of time that'd be wasted, which I use for listening to audiobooks, I can easily finish one audio book, which is on average, seven hours long in one flight. So it's pretty good for me personally, and even though it's leisure, I'm not working, it actually contributes to people to think better. And if you think better can like when you have more energy, you will make better decisions and of course, you will get better results. And I generally spend a lot of my time focused on learning Because my one of my biggest passions in life is learning different languages. So I use Netflix, but not the way most people do actually supposable. Netflix is entertainment. For me Netflix is nothing more than going to language school, because as you probably know, one of the best ways to learn a foreign language is through basically, movies. And Netflix gives me the ability to watch whichever movie or show I want, especially if it's like Netflix original, in a variety of up to 30 languages, like I can decide to watch it in Swedish or I can watch it in German, I can watch it. I don't know Italian and Chinese, Japanese and with the subtitles, because that's very important personally, because I think the importance of learning with subtitles is just you probably know more about this than I do. So Netflix, you know, the chance to watch whatever movie I want in whatever language I want with this subtitle in that language, which is probably the best way to accelerate your learning process, especially after the you know, you enter the b1 or pre intermediate level basically. So for me, even though that's technically I'm technically watching a movie, and right naturally these things I'm watching At the latest show called bio hacks which is like a German show on Netflix and I'm watching it you know with with German and German subtitles and it's just such a perfect you know, German classroom like I get all the words I listed my item to my flashcards. So yes, watching movie is a, you know, typical and very stereotypical leisure activity. But for me that's like going to a classroom. It is fun. Although it's not let's be honest, not always fun when you have to pause every 15 seconds to look at the word go back to Google Translate said to work Oh, Miss misspelling, boom, boom, come back. It isn't always fun. I do agree. But the whole experience is fun. So maybe watching a TV or HBO they only offer basically these programs in English. And since I only watch movies in four languages and are English, I cannot use them but Netflix give you the chance to you know, basically watch movies in a variety of languages. So that's another one that I use a lot. Again, you're saying like then your messages your activity, yes, but actually goes along with you know, one of the main activities of modern enterprises which is actually the promoting education of foreign languages all over the world. So this itself is helping my career, but at the same time, it's leisure. It's fun, and it's pretty easy. So for that reason, I'm a huge fan of picking such activities that while leisure in nature actually contribute to your main mission in life.
Pouya LJ 23:16
Yeah, exactly. So you answered one aspect of so the reason I asked this question about your working out well, I have two specific reasons one of them you basically answered and that was the investment part essentially. Now the second part I specifically mentioned working out because that's, that's a problem for me. What I mean by that is that I cannot possibly except that as a year because I don't I don't enjoy it by any means. And I know
Dan 23:41
I know about genetics background lifestyles. Exactly. introvert extrovert you're definitely right. For a lot of people. I think it's just God dammit, I have to sweat. Exactly.
Pouya LJ 23:53
So so for that very reason. I was thinking okay, maybe some other people that have the same attitude towards I don't know, like Learning or reading a book or whatever? Do you have any specific so is there is it? Is it something? Is it some sort of a, like a mindset you can get into and then it becomes a leisure, or you just have to find your own leisure that is also, let's be
Dan 24:11
honest, man, we're talking about leisure here, right? So, if your goal is to truly get a sense of, you know, refreshment, then you should probably choose activities that suit your temperament, biology, your values in life. So even though I like for example, intense exercise, for example, let's say a fitness, let's say boxing, jogging, maybe somebody else could get the same benefit through meditation, or through a fast, you know, walk basically in the park. So it all depends on yourself. However, as I've mentioned, repeatedly, you know, over and over again, I believe that half of your happiness is your biology. Now, the way you manage it depends on your temperament depends on your biology, your genetics, your background, your interests. So I don't think that everybody needs to do what I do. I don't think everybody needs to exercise twice per day, every day, 365 days a week, even when he or she is Sick. Unfortunately, I have been accused of that occasionally by my doctors, which is an improvement, but it's just you know, just the habits. But the point is this, you don't have to do that. But you can create other healthy routines for your body where it is to get enough sleep, for example, or you can begin I know a friend of mine who begins today via meditation. And it's not a girl, I'm talking to a guy here right. So he begins today by meditation, by deep breathing exercises. So, it all depends on what really, you know, makes you tick. However, as we have mentioned, many times you cannot promote one Have you fully eliminate physical activities from your basically routine and feel refreshed and energized. So whether it is just for a walk, you can just go for a walk in the park near your house, whether it is to meet your friends and don't go hiking or whether it is I don't know, there are a variety of activities, but I think that everybody should include some sort of physical activity in a leisure activity because that is the key for energy and happiness. I mean nothing saps energy out of your More than getting fat, or more than getting weak. So because you need, especially if you're an entrepreneur, you need a lot of physical energy, you have to be at your prime because you have to be with people. And people generally are not influenced by those who are weak or who are negative or who are low energy, it's just not going to work. So you need to work on that. So it depends on yourself, I don't think that everybody should do that. I don't think most people do that actually at all. And some who might even try this could find it to be very unhealthy for them, because maybe their body's not ready because I've been, you know, exercising like this for almost more than 15 years now, non stop. So maybe your body is not used to that kind of, you know, fresher physically. So for that reason, you can find something similar, though that was a great example of dancing is a great example. walking, jogging, simply traveling as a tourist and just walking around and looking at the places you enjoy it and you're Of course getting physically active as well. So there are many ways to do that. But ultimately, you are the judge and you should decide which one fits your character and your values.
Pouya LJ 27:00
No, I 100% agree like the physical activity is you can't just ignore it and that affects everything. I completely agree. It was just the point was I was trying to make was it's really difficult for me to counter especially especially
Dan 27:15
Yeah, yeah,
Pouya LJ 27:16
that's actually intense exercise. Yeah, like
Dan 27:21
totally normal by there's zero like nothing wrong with you at all. And that I think is an opinion shared by probably more than half the you know, the world population because it's just the way it is. And like, I mean, like not everybody is necessarily as intense or hyperactive as let's say Daniel, right? Sure. Reality speaking even you I'm pretty sure he can enjoy a nice walk when there's a good when there's a nice breeze and you're enjoying a red cup of coffee. Everybody can enjoy For example, some sort of activity.
Pouya LJ 27:47
Yeah, hundred percent biking. What have you Yeah, there's definitely something you can you can grab on doing. There's no doubt, no doubt. Anyways, so I just wanted to bring that up. Now we're coming to the end of the show. Is there anything you want? We left out that you want to talk about or you want to summarize, what have you, for sure.
Dan 28:04
Well, first of all, what a great topic you chosen projects for this session was pretty good. And as we mentioned earlier today, we talked about using your leisure activities in a way that make your life better and not worse. As I mentioned earlier, we all need leisure. Because some of us, unfortunately, tend to be extremist in our approach, especially among entrepreneurs, in that we want to just, you know, keep putting in if you put in the hours and and just putting long, hard hours, and we think that's good. But unfortunately, that's a very myopic approach towards making clients because even though working more and nonstop will get you ahead of your competition, and let's say in a couple of weeks or months, in the long term, you'll be like that fast day or just ran so fast, got tired, took a nap and lost the race to the turquoise. So you want to think long term and to think long term use you have to look at yourself as a human being, not a machine, not a robot but a human being with a biologic. logical being as well as a social beam, which means you have to take care of both your biological as well as your social needs, otherwise you will experience a variety of psychological and physical ailments. So for that reason, we said you need to choose your leisure activities, you have to pay attention to them. And then we discussed a variety of, you know, ways to make sure that your leisure activities are productive, we said that you could just you know, waste your time, I don't know, I play fortnight, you know, let's say from day to night, and you could just spend your time doing weird stuff. And we also mentioned some of the common ways of letting off some steam which I disapprove of, I don't getting super drunk or doing pot or whatever it is, which are unfortunately quite common among young generation these days. But these are not going to help you at all. However, if you choose leisure activities that will be in alignment with your main goals in life and will somehow help you push you towards you know, a better direction. Those are the best types of leisure activities because they will then allow you to become a better person, which is why for me for myself, Have you Travelling is one of the best leisure activities out there because not only it's fun, it also is very educational and makes you a better person. So you can ask yourself, what are some of the best activities leisure because I can do that are in align with my values and goals that can make me a better person, and then do those things more. And we also mentioned that you should never ignore the importance of adding some physical elements to your basically leisure activities because we are also biological, we need to use our bodies as much as possible. So combining those things and making our leisure activities as intellectually beneficial as possible, as physical as possible and as social as possible, will then allow us to have a life filled with happiness and on the way to success.
Pouya LJ 30:42
Oh, that's the that was great, like, perfect summary of what we talked about and love that. Thank you again, Dan, for joining us today. Always a pleasure being with you. Appreciate it. And thank you everybody for joining us and listening to us. Please if you enjoy the podcast go and rate and Put comments if you would like, and let us know what you want to what you want us to talk about next. And and by the way, oh, yeah, apparently
Dan 31:07
apparently it printed before you before we end the show. Apparently our listeners should be aware that now we have the scripts of all of our show. I forgot about that. Yes.
Pouya LJ 31:18
So yeah, from from the last few episodes, I don't remember how many the episode The the the episodes are being transcribed. And the and
Dan 31:27
they're not being transcribed by you know, people that are sitting, you know, painstakingly writing them down. Yes, dude. The AI is here. We are using AI to make the transcripts. Yeah, we lose a lot of jobs in the future. It's not perfect supports going back to making all of these things go back to coal mining, we don't have any problem. But the fact of the matter is, AI is coming and it's coming to our show as well. And all those transcripts now are being made by AI Of course, the mastermind He's always behind it was Pouyjix, who was the you know, the guy who founded about this and let me know. And I could actually use this myself in creating the subtitles for my videos. So I want to first thank you so much for just for your suggestion that was really helpful. I literally use this last night for one of my videos, and it was very useful. So I want to thank you and of course, a great addition to our show.
Pouya LJ 32:19
Yeah, it's a great, great addition, a lot of people might want to use it. And we're glad to provide that. It might not be perfect. So you might see some mistakes often, not often, but rarely, which makes sense. But hopefully, gradually, we'll recognize our voices better and we will become better. But until then you can at least enjoy what we have right now. And I hope you do. All right. Thank you for reminding me that I totally forgot about that. Awesome.
That was very good.
Pouya LJ 32:48
All right. Cheers. Thank you, everybody. Have a good one.
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