dream, goals, planning, life, achieve, realistically, realistic, steps, set, pandemic, reality, people, business, true, motivation, execution, limits, potential, corona virus, details
Dan 00:12
Hello, and welcome to yet another episode of beyond the present podcast, the solo edition. My name is Daniel Morgan and today we're going to talk about the importance of setting the right amount of goals to give you the right level of motivation to say guys, we just finished a wonderful workshop and we were discussing the issue of goal setting, visualization, and even fantasizing and daydreaming about your goals. And it was just a very, very constructive workshop. And I really enjoyed this and I want to just, you know, share a few of the tips that we discussed during the seminar and what will you guys hopefully be able to use and apply to your own lives. First and foremost, we actually talked about what it really means to set goals and to have dreams because I am a firm believer in the fact that if you do not have a dream to aim for, then your life will be Filled with repetitive, meaningless moments of brainless entertainment, as well as, you know, disengagement life that you simply cannot get rid of, and you will never truly experienced a real joy of life. And what is the real joy of life, the real joy of life is about, basically, you know, there's a great statement about this already learned a while back and it says, happiness is the progressive realisation of a worthy ideal. And this was by Mr. Nightingale. And in reality speaking, I think this is what we need right now. a happy life, a life of basically contentment, a life of joy. And satisfaction is a life where you are taking progressive steps, small but progressive, towards all of your goals and ambitions and dreams. Now, the good part is, you don't actually have to arrive at your destination, to feel happy to feel basically satisfied. What really makes us all happy is that Chase is that pursuit is that effort that you're making every single day trying to get closer and closer to realizing that dream and I think that's really what we need to focus on and in the in the in the workshop we discussed what are our dreams and I think every listener that is currently listening to our podcast should understand that we only the dreams now your dreams might be very silly like I don't know, just I want to win five hands back in you know back to back or your dreams could be very, you know, difficult to attain perhaps world peace, perhaps equality, you know, fighting global warming. What it really is a dream is nothing more than a wish or a hope and something you really want to aim for in life. And while I'm a huge fan of basically making plans that are more realistic, and rational, when it comes to dreaming, I believe that we need the exact opposite because If you want to implement logic and rationality, in dreaming, you will fail and dreaming may explain why. You see, when it comes to making plans, you're saying well, I should first say what are the requirements? What are the steps that should be taken? And what should we do right here. So you think very logically, very linearly, and very realistically, because you have to make a plan. However, when you make the exact same basically approach and you apply it to dreaming, you will fail because dreaming is supposed to be and I'm certainly realistic. It is supposed to be irrational because it's supposed to excite your imagination. And Albert Einstein said that imagination is the most important thing of all, because he believed that imagination is what leads to creating new potentials. So the problem with realistic dreaming is that if you dream realistically, you are defeating the purpose of a dream which is that non basically Ending and continuous surge of energy and motivation to realize, you see, if you look at people around you who are highly energetic and highly motivated, and they're always going at it day in and day not. I've seen a lot of these people. I mean, I just talked to a wonderful athlete. And this guy is crazy about basketball, like, he just wakes up early in the morning. And he tries to find, you know, a gym even though nowadays, as you probably know, there's a major pandemic, and all the world's many countries and many cities are going back to, you know, quarantine and just like California, like right now many gyms are actually closed. So this gentleman literally goes out of his way to find another gym that is perhaps open in this situation to be able to pursue his dream of becoming a professional basketball player. You see, this is energy. What I mean just imagine, just imagine if you perhaps don't have a major energy and all the gyms are closed, what do you tell yourself? Well, you know what things happen right? mean we gotta just tolerate it, it's gonna just go away and you stop exercising, you stop practicing you stop training because for you, being a professional athlete is not a dream. But for somebody who believes that this is my dream, he will go out of his way to make sure that he actually achieves it. So for that reason, it's very important to have that dream. And the problem with that is a lot of us we believe that when it comes to having a dream, a major dream in life, then we should simply just dream realistically, this is a huge mistake. Because if you dream realistically, you will not accomplish much in life. Because the right approach here is dream irrationally and without any limits. But make plans and execute realistically and logically. Because in reality speaking if you want to dream realistically, you will never exercise and practice your imagination of what is truly possible for you and you will settle down for Whatever Cisco has told you that you are. So if today, you think that Well, I've worked in my business for a while now. And I think that's just I've reached my, basically maximum capacity. Well, what will happen here, you will reach a plateau that you cannot exceed because you have set a mental limits, your mind has now accepted that, yes, this is my limit. And for the rest of my life, I've been working as an accountant, as a lawyer, as a doctor, whatever it is, and this is my limit. And that's it. And guess what, you probably are not going to feel very excited to wake up the next morning and say, You know what, uh, well, I gotta go to my job to pay the bills. And this somehow fails to truly enrich you with energy and zest to achieve something. On the other hand, if you set a very huge dream, the kind of dream that people say like Dude, are you high or something or you've been drinking? Those are the kind of dreams that you need to have because ironically, those are the type of dreams that will give you the right amount of motivation to achieve big goals because once you dream without an limits. We call this the blue sky thinking. At that moment, there is nothing to stop you. So all you have is a vision of a possible future. And in that moment, your true potential is revealed to you. Because when you set big goals, you are telling yourself that I am capable of achieving this, your subconscious mind now makes that as a command to your nervous system. And now this almost a reality for you, even though you haven't yet achieved anything. And ironically, once you have that vision in your in yourself and you start thinking about that dream and that vision, things begin to change, and you start taking different types of actions slowly but surely, and you wait for a couple of years. Again, as Tony Robbins said, we tend to overestimate what we can do in one year, but we unfortunately underestimate so much what we can do and accomplish in 10 years. So what do you have that big dream for yourself? You might start taking some And after a few days, like, Well, my goal was to perhaps have a very, very fit body or run my own multimillion dollar business or perhaps I don't know, play the guitar, whatever it was. And then after a few days or weeks, you feel like, Well, I haven't made much progress, because that's the nature of all goal achievement. I mean, you can't achieve any big goal overnight. But once you have that dream, you see, that's when the difference is made. If your goal is just to make some bucks, after about a few days or weeks, what happens is that you tell yourself, you know what, I'm not making much progress. Are you sure the goal was worth it? And guess what the answer is going to be? Of course not come on man. Let's go back to the status quo. And you stop From then on, you're no longer trying your best to achieve that goal. However, what if you had a major big dream that you wanted to go for and you wanted to study and you wanted to practice and you wanted to learn more? How can I do this? A true what you know What I like to believe as a true obsession, that you have a dream that keeps you awake, to work harder during the nights and gets you wake up earlier during the day. These are the kind of dreams that we need to have as individuals who wants to realize our true potential. Which is why if you're now listening, ask yourself, what is my dream? And what kind of dreams did I have in my childhood that I later abandoned because it seemed to be just too difficult. You see, once you look at yourself, and you want to set a dream, please do set the kind of dreams that'll make anyone who knows you to say, Wow, are you crazy? This is I mean, if you really want to know you've set a good dream, just go around and ask people that you know, guys, here's my dream. If they're not saying, dude, are you crazy? You probably have not set a very high dream or at very high goal. You probably can do better. Because when you set a dream, you must set a dream that is beyond your current ability, knowledge, or basically chances you need to somehow go way above and beyond what you can realistically accomplish. Because once you do that, then you will have the motivation throughout the entire lengthy and slow and occasionally gruesome process of obtaining big goals because guys, the road and the journey ahead will not be an easy one, nor will it be short. It'll take a long time. It'll take a lot of work. And perhaps believable amount of failure and setbacks and difficulties and rejections, you got to go for a long journey. And if you don't have that dream, then what's the point of trying right? You just give up right away. And because of this, it's better to start dreaming big. And to do so you must pick a dream that you yourself want sometimes unforeseen. A lot of basically individuals certainly in their at a younger age, they don't pick their own dreams, they pick dreams that will make their parents happy or will make their partner happier will make their best friends happy or simply the kind of dreams that will get the most amount of attention from people. This is a huge mistake. If you're setting a dream just because it makes you super cool or because, you know, it allows you to have a lot of attention or even making you know, just just seeing money as your target, then the chances are you will not truly dream big, nor will you dream for yourself. You will dream to make mommy happy little dream to make your partner happy, you'll dream to get some attention. But you will not truly commit to your calling to your vocation to your inner desire that you've had. And because of this, it's better to really dream for yourself. Ask yourself if I had everything in the world that I thought or I should probably have. I mean a good home let's say a family all those things. What else What I dream because unfortunately a lot of dreams are forgotten because we just get busy with a daily you know, pursuits of the things we should have, you know, a roof over your head, a car perhaps or I don't know, being able to have a family. These are important. But ask yourself what is my real dream? Maybe your real dream is not necessarily just to, you know, make some, you know, let's say bucks. Or maybe you really want to actually make a huge difference in the world. Maybe you want to help people to eradicate, you know, let's say gender inequality or sexism or poverty, maybe wants to be a force for good. Maybe your real passion is to have a great family, and you want to raise lots of wonderful kids and your role isn't so much. I mean, you don't care so much about having a, let's say, you know, a Lamborghini. What you want instead is of course, perhaps having a lot of great children that you can raise in a healthy way. Maybe your goal is really to be a multi millionaire. Maybe your goal really is to be the best artist or the best in your field. See, these are the kind of dreams that will motivate you. Now, hear me out. Up until now you've been dreaming now is dreaming all it takes to achieve your goals and realize your potential. Of course not. The next step is planning and execution. And in this case, I usually like to change things I literally shift gears, here's when you need to start getting realistic, logical and rational. Unfortunately, most people do the exact opposite. When it comes to dreaming, they're all realistic. And they're all pessimistic when it comes to planning execution. They're all optimists, I am the exact opposite. I am an absolute optimist, when it comes to making you know setting goals and you know, dreaming really, but I tend to err on pessimism when it comes to planning and execution which is why one of my strategies, make Plan B before you make Plan A I've lived by this for my entire life in my business and all areas of my life I worked with a plan B. And I designed and complete act like I designed my exit strategy and my plan B before I'm actually putting the details of Plan A. That's called realistic and logical planning. There's no dreaming here. But guess what? I've done the dreaming beforehand with the goal with the dream that you will then think about on a regular basis in your life and that's exactly what you need to do. So you want to start thinking using the blue sky method and just dream What do I want if everything were perfect? They never are, but just imagine if everything were perfect. What kind of dream would I set for myself? You're saying, but do there is the corona virus pandemic, people are dying of the corona virus and we're where the economies are coming down and we have a lot of difficulties. I know. That's the reality. When you're dreaming you don't think about the Coronavirus panel. endemic, you don't think about the economic recessions that have followed or the close borders, you think about the dream. That's the issue. You see, you do not want to concern yourself with reality when you're dreaming. Only then you will truly pick the right dream for yourself. Because if you engage in rational thinking and dreaming in this as you're dreaming, you will not pick the right goal. Nor will you pick it at the right size or volume or scale because you are being extremely pessimistic because you're not going to realize your true potential. However, after you've done that, it's okay Dan is okay Dan is right. No problem. So I'm going to start I'm going to pretend there's no coronavirus pandemic. I'm gonna pretend the borders are all open. The economies are running everything's okay. Now what is my dream? Oh, can you start planning I want to be the best photographer. I want to be the best fashion designer. I want to be the best athlete, the best dancer, whatever it is, you start dreaming. You dream big dreams without any limitations. Then it's time to shift gears and become realistic. And basically, I'm not going to say being pessimistic but like, a little bit more rational here. Now you say, Okay, okay, so now let's come back to the reality, things are not very easy. Now, what are the first steps that I should take to become the best basketball player to run my own business? To find the right partner? To learn to play the guitar? Whatever it is, what are the first steps I should I should do this or should do this. Now it's time to think rationally because guess what? When it comes to execution and planning, you need to be realistic. Otherwise, you will, in most cases failed. And if you ever when it's because of chance, pure luck. It's not because of effort. That's when you say, all right, so if I want to run my business, how many years do we have to work as an apprentice or some other business to learn it? I see and which countries will offer me the best opportunity to you know, practice entrepreneurship, if your goal is to be the best hockey player, so What are the best nations that truly promote hockey? For example? What are the best nations that truly allow me to be in touch with arts and fashion or whatever it is that you truly desire in life? Now you get to the nitty gritty and you start to think about the details. Okay, I'm gonna do this first, and I'm gonna do this one second, and oh, boy, there's gonna be a problem. How can I get that, for example, I don't know the permit to run that company. Oh, and one of the organizations we should call you see, now here are the details. You've found the dream. And now it's time to get down to business, and to get realistic to look for the real sources of basically, issues and problems that you have to deal with and overcome in order to achieve your goals. And by combining blue sky thinking, with realistic planning and execution, you tremendously improve your odds of actually achieving your goals and realizing your potential because now all of a sudden, you're no longer shooting for an easy goal that probably will cease to amaze you after a while, but you're now working on your life's mission. And that motivation will never disappear. So, because of this, I believe that if you want to make the most of your life, start from today, too, and start asking yourself, what can I do to truly achieve my dreams, that's when you start getting into details. And please, while doing so, try to not just think about them. And my friend, basically, they say, don't think it and get now get down to business. Start writing down your goals, plans, gather all the phone numbers to the start, you know, surfing online, go to Google and start googling all the details. That's when you have to then hopefully start putting in all the missing, you know, pieces of the puzzle, so naturally, hopefully, in the future achieve all of that. And ultimately, once you have both the blue sky thinking and you know the spirit of hard work and you paying a lot of attention to details. Now your life will change and everything will get better. Because of this, I really believe that it's important to focus on doing your best, it's really important to try your best to focus on combining these two approaches. And eventually you'll have the opportunity to achieve almost all of your goals without, you know, compromising your true potential and abilities. And that's, of course, my hope and wish for you to listeners of the show to truly not settle because life is too short to settle for something that is just a mere, you know, miniature representation of your true potential or your true desire and it's best to aim and shoot for the stars, while at the same time trying to build foundations. You see, you imagine, you know your castles in the sky, that's wonderful. The castle that you imagine in your head should be in the skies, but now start building foundations under them step by step rigorously. and methodically. That's all the time we have for guys. I hope that this short talk inspired you to set and achieve your goals, and of course to dream big and take a lot of action. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me. Or, you know, PLJ, the producer of the show directly on the website or on social media and glad to actually help you answer all your questions and that's all the time we have for how to go on and take care.
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